Forwarder and harvester machine sales

Hos oss hittar du ett brett utbud av begagnade skotare och skördare. Du kan även sälja eller byta in din nuvarande skogsmaskin hos oss. Vi är inte bundna till några maskintillverkare, utan vårt mål är att erbjuda ett varierat utbud av skogsmaskiner för både gallring och slutavverkning med betoning på de märken som har störst efterfrågan: John Deere, Ponsse, Komatsu, Rottne och EcoLog

Contact us if you wish to buy or sell a forestry machine.

Would you like to sell a forestry machine?

We buy both older and newer machines for dismantling and resale. When you are planning to sell your machine, you can therefore contact us, regardless of brand, model year and condition of your machine.

How can you prepare yourself when you want to sell our machine?

En bedömning görs av din maskin baserat på den information vi får av dig. För att göra din säljprocess så smidig som möjligt så kan du därför förbereda dig genom att ta bilder av och samla in information om den maskin du vill sälja.

Vill du köpa en begagnad skogsmaskin?

Du hittar vårt nuvarande maskinutbud av begagnade forwarders and harvesters här på vår webbplats och du kan läsa om märken, modeller, drifttimmar och allmänt skick på de maskiner vi har till salu. Du kan självklart även kontakta oss för att få hjälp med att hitta en maskin som passar dina specifika behov.

Contact us to book a machine viewing or to get more information about the machine you are interested in. If you are planning to replace your current machine, there is always a possibility to trade in your old machine.

Vill du veta mer om hur maskinköpet går till? Läs mer här:
How it works when you buy a used forestry machine from us

The criteria we examine and make an overall assessment based on when purchasing a machine are:

  • machine brand and model
  • model year
  • operating hours
  • tire condition
  • komponenter som bytts ut
  • kända fel på maskinen
  • tillbehör såsom band och kedjor

We would also like pictures of:

  • the machine from as many angles as possible
  • the interior of the machine
  • any visible errors/defects on machine interior and exterior

Contact one of our machine sales representatives

Ola Kalenius

Sveriges flagga Norges flagga Usas flaggaStorbritanniens flagga
Sweden + rest of the world
+46 (0) 70-256 57 20

Oskar Jorälv


Sveriges flagga Norges flagga Usas flaggaStorbritanniens flagga
Sweden + rest of the world
+46 (0) 70-563 01 60

Tommy Jorälv

Sveriges flagga Norges flagga 
+46 (0) 70-642 50 48

Hrvoje Brezec

Bosnien och Hercegovinas flagga Storbritanniens flagga Kroatiens flagga Makedoniens flagga Serbiens flaggaTysklands flagga
+385 99 5424 554

Eugeniusz Wesolowski

Polens flagga
+46 (0) 76-787 13 50

Georg Keis

Tysklands flagga

+49 17 09 94 42 35


It should feel easy and secure to buy a forestry machine from us. We value personal contact and ensure that you are assisted by a salesperson who guides you through every step of the process. If you want to prepare for how the sale will proceed, you can read about the 6 general steps of the process here.

1. Find a suitable machine

Du hittar de skogsmaskiner som är till salu på vår webbplats. Vill du ha hjälp med att hitta en passande maskin så kan du givetvis även be om hjälp från någon av våra maskinsäljare. I många fall har våra säljare även information om maskiner som ännu inte hunnit nå vår webbplats, så tveka inte över att reach out.

2. Contact us

Du kontaktar oss enklast via telefon, men kan även välja att ta din första kontakt via sms/WhatsApp eller mail. Bland våra maskinansvariga hittar du personer som pratar svenska, engelska, polska, kroatiska och tyska – du väljer vad som passar dig bäst.

During your contact with us, you can ask all the questions you need answers to in order to make a decision about a machine. You can also schedule an appointment to view the machine, if desired. If you are unable to visit us, we can, of course, also send more pictures and videos of the machine you are interested in.

3.   Meddela oss om du har en skogsmaskin som du vill byta in

Once you have decided to purchase a forestry machine, it's time to proceed with the process. You inform us whether you want to trade in a forestry machine you already own or if you want to buy the machine without a trade-in. If you choose to trade in, we will agree on a price that both parties are satisfied with.

4. Välj om du vill anpassa maskinen

When a machine is delivered to us, it is inspected, repaired if necessary, and then listed for sale. As a buyer, you then have the option to add additional services and accessories to the machine based on your own preferences.

For instance, you can choose different accessories than the ones already installed on the machine, such as grapples, harvesting heads, or tires. Tracks and chains are also available options, both in new and used condition.

Based on your preferences, we can also modify the machine in other ways according to your needs. For example, in 2023, we carried out a customer customization of a Komatsu 895, which was shortened and converted from a forwarder to a soil preparation machine.

5. Meddela oss om du vill ha hjälp med att ansöka om finansiering

We have a partnership with Wasa Kredit and are happy to assist you in applying for financing through them. If you prefer to use a different option and manage the application on your own, that is possible as well.

6. Välj hur du vill att din maskin ska levereras

We can arrange all the shipping, and you are welcome to participate in deciding the specifics of the shipment if you have any specific preferences.


Can I trade in any forestry machine?

Yes, it's possible to trade in machines of all brands and models, regardless of the model year.

Do you perform maintenance on the forestry machines that are put up for sale?

It depends. Our intention is to provide you, as a customer, with the freedom to choose the condition in which you want the machine to be delivered. However, we always conduct an inspection of the machines that come in and address what we deem necessary for the machine to be operational. After that, we let you decide if you want us to perform any additional service before delivery.

Can I test drive the machine I'm interested in?

Yes, you are welcome to visit us during our opening hours to test drive the forestry machine you are interested in. Schedule a viewing with one of our machine sales representatives.

Opening hours in Charlottenberg, Sweden: Monday-Friday, 07-16

Opening hours in Slatina, Croatia: Monday-Friday, 07-16


Open 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Koppom Maskin AB
+46 (0)571 210 00

Koppom Maskin

Hålvägen 1
673 32 Charlottenberg

+46 571 210 00

Terms and conditions

logotyp för bisnode som bekräftar högsta kreditvärdighet

Opening hours

Monday, 16 September: 07:00 – 16:00
Tuesday, 17 September: 07:00 – 16:00
Wednesday, 18 September: 07:00 – 16:00
Thursday, 19 September: 07:00 – 16:00
Friday, 20 September: 07:00 – 16:00
Saturday, 21 September: Closed
Sunday, 22 September: Closed

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